Frequency Control Ancillary Services (FCAS) is becoming the standard for market participation in a modern Australian electricity network.
AEMO defines compliance for recording <50ms in the Mass Ancillary Services Specification (MASS).
SATEC has developed a solution allowing for providers to extract data recorded by the FCAS PRO meter, or to perform real-time communications in order to assist with <50ms requirements as defined by the MASS.
Frequency Measurements
Frequency, measured in Hertz (Hz) is reliant on the ability to support high resolution and accuracy, from the powerful PRO FCAS solution.
Frequency resolution is 0.0001 Hz + Four (4) decimal place support.
The acceptable frequency range is set at 59.98-60.02Hz, referred to as the deadband as defined by MASS.
Frequency Disturbance Time (FDT) data recording
When a frequency disturbance event is present, the PRO meter kicks in, recording values at 20 ms intervals. Both pre FDT and post FDT recording is achieved.
Frequency Deviation Settings range is achieved with SATEC’s embedded Programmable Logic Controller (PLC). Setpoint logical expressions allow for achievement of not only FDT, but also alarming conditions such as demand or power event conditions.
Very Fast and Fast FCAS markets are supported through 20 ms, data recording of the electrical values required. This produces 3,250 records, which is equal to 5 seconds pre FDT and 60 seconds after FDT.
Delayed FCAS markets are supported through 1 second, data recording of the electrical values required. This produces 620 records, which is equal to 5 seconds pre FDT and 10 minutes after FDT.
Communication and Alarming
Quad-Communications is a standard feature of the PRO.
This includes Dual-Ethernet (TCP/IP); Network Interface Card (NIC). The TCP/IP support allows for individual NIC setup or Daisy Chain Ethernet topologies.
An RS-485 port is provided, configurable as a Master or Slave. This allows for the PRO to be used a a pass-through gateway device for RS-485 to TCP/IP networks.
USB C is provided on the PRO assisting local communication with the meter.
Infra-Red (IR) is available for non-contact interface with communication through this independent communication port.
Alarm notifications are sent by communications. This is achieved through configuration of the PLC controller. Modbus TCP Notifications are sent to the defined Modbus Server listening for alarming from the sixty-four (64) available setpoints.
SATEC Devices used in this Solution
The PRO Series is the choice for use in Frequency Control Ancillary Services (FCAS) markets.
PRO FCAS series records FCAS data streamlining regulatory requirements.